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A stylish stainless steel coffee drip pot with a matte black paint. As it is named "itteki”, this enable you to pour hot water drop by drop.

The thin spout, which is one of the features, the hot water that comes out will also be thin, and when you drip it, the hot water slowly permeates the entire powder, allowing you to draw out the ingredients contained in the coffee.

By making the cross section of the spout longer, you can easily see the hot water coming out of the pot, and you can check the amount of water and pour it while adjusting it.

The length of this cross section is a point that the manufacturer is particular about. After cutting the spout with a machine, adjustment of small parts is done by hand one by one.

There is a method called "drip", in which hot water is dropped and then poured finely for extraction. It is a high-difficulty extraction method that requires a good pot with good brewer's skill and performance, but with itteki, it is easy without any technique.

It is compatible with various heat sources such as gas stoves and IH.

Rokusan drip pot itteki

Sales Tax Included
  • サイズ/ 約W24×H13 cm,底面Φ13cm
    材質/ 本体・蓋・ハンドル・注ぎ口:18-8ステンレス,底:18-0ステンレス
    容量/ 約900ml
    原産国/ 日本


  • 商品到着から7日以上経過した商品につきましては、原則交換・返品はお受けできません。




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